Title : Little Murder 2011 BRRip 720p 600 MB
Size : 600 MB
Info : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0017459/
Genre: Action | Drama | Romance
IMDB Rating : -
Date Realish : 2011
Stars: Frank Mayo, Cullen Landis and Mildred Ryan
Quality : Bluray 720p
After flunking out of college and failing to make good working in his father's plant, Bob Morris is given a check by his father and told to hit the trail. The trail leads Bob to the High Sierra region, where he gets framed by a gang of tramps and is tossed in jail. Lumber-camp owner John Hobart knows he is innocent, gets him out of jail and puts him to work as a lumberjack. They become great friends but then comes a woman, Mary, whom John is in love with but she prefers Bob who is closer to her age. Friendship and loyalty gets tested. VIDEO TRAILER
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