In a quiet Ontario town, a small Bed and Breakfast dwells with a perverse secret. David Beck, a closet sociopath, but seemingly normal man, runs the B & B with his wife Samantha, a fiery woman with masochistic tendencies. Their only tenant is an aspiring writer named Charlie Matthews, a pathological liar who has a longing to be liked by everyone. The harmony of the house is disrupted when a young girl’s body is found on the edge of town. Veteran police Detective Anthony Dolan suspects David of the murder, but lacking evidence to make an arrest all he can do is wait for the killer to make a mistake. Shattered lives and shattered dreams are all that remain when love and deception collide. Behind these walls lies a world of sex, lust and murder. The shocking climax of this twisted tale reveals the darker side of the human psyche.MoVie InFo : IMDb
IMDB rating: 6.3/10
Genre: Drama
Size: 600 MB
Language: English
Forma: MKV
Runtime: 92 min
Directed by: Phillip Guzman
Starring: Mick Rossi, Natasha Gregson Wagner and Sean Power
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